Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 07
2000 AD Progs 322-375 Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 07 carries the legacy that 06 started, no epic arcs are to be found in these pages, unlike volume 06 though where the majority of the progs were dealing with the apocalypse war aftermath this volume begins to return to the original format with less connected progs the average story here being about 4 in length. For me the standout progs were “Cry of the Werewolf” It has great art and watching the Judges fight the classic movie monsters is good fun. I also loved the graveyard shift. At seven parts it really is just like a bunch of individual four-page progs which Ron Smith decided to tie into one interconnected block. I Do love this format when it is implemented, similar to the mega-rackets found in the complete case files 05. It makes what would be throwaway progs that would be drowned out a little more memorable, a little more special and a little harder to forget about. They cover a wide...